Ikramjanov Akmaljan Turaevich
1952 - Was born in Tashkent.
1970 - Graduate from P. Benkov RHU
1977 - Graduate from Leningrad (Petersburg) institute of painting, sculpture and architecture named after Repin
1982-1985 - Study in creative workshops of Academy of arts of the USSR
1971 - The participant of Republican, All-Union and Foreign exhibitions
1977 - Teaches, the Tashkent Theatrical Art Institute of M.Ujgur
1990 - Winner of National Award of Uzbekistan.
1990 - 1993 The adviser of Chairman S.h. of Uzbekistan on creative questions.
1997 - The Academician of Academy of arts of Uzbekistan.
1997 - 2005 - Vice-president of Academy of arts of Uzbekistan.
1998 - National artist of Republic of Uzbekistan.
2002 - Professor and the head of creative masterful painting of National institute of arts and design of K.Behzod.
2003 - Gold medal of Academy of arts of Uzbekistan.
Personal exhibitions:
1985 - Personal exhibition Germany (Berlin, Dresden).
1989 - Personal exhibition Tashkent.
1990 - India (Calcutta).
1992 - Personal exhibition Tashkent.
1992 - Personal exhibition Turkey (Ankara).
1994 - Personal exhibition Turkey (Ankara).
1996 - Personal exhibition Pakistan (Islamabad)
Foreign exhibitions:
Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Mongolia, Germany, Greece, Bangladesh, the Great Britain, India (Calcutta and Delhi), Turkey (Ankara). France (Paris, UNESCO). Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, the USA
Paintings are in museums of SMA Uz, AAUz, Urgench gallery, Management of art exhibitions SH of Russia. In galleries and private collections - India, Turkey, Germany, the USA, the Great Britain, Switzerland, Pakistan, Russia, Kazakhstan.